What's New
The Twitter page is the best place to go to find out what's happening on a day to day basis in school as this is constantly updated by our staff. This page is used to highlight some of the events that happen in school. The most recent events are at the top.
St Rocco's Elf Run
The Elf Run was a great success with every child thoroughly enjoying themselves as they ran and ran in aaid of St Rocco's Hospice.
Many thanks to everyone who financially supported the Elf Run.
KS1 Nativity - The Inn-spectors
The KS1 children performed brilliantly in front of packed audience of mums, dads, family members and friends. Well done to the children. Everyone was very proud of them all.
LINK CLUB - Christmas Breakfast
The children at Link Club had a lovely Christmas breakfast. As well as a special breakfast they enjoyed special activities and games.
St Rocco's Hospice

Karen Rutherford, from St Rocco's Hospice, delivered a wonderful presentation to the whole school explaining the important work the Hospice does for adults and families in the Warrington area. Karen explained the need to fundraise as the hospice costs £4.2 million a year to run. Karen thanked the children for their support and wished them well for their run which takes place on 19th December.
Crucial Crew - November 2023
Year 6 enjoyed their visit to the Crucial Crew learning valuable life skills such as strategies to tackle poor mental health, safety on different modes of transport and what to do if they feel that they are being cyber bullied. It was a very enjoyable day.

Film Night at Link Club
A wonderful evening for all the children. Many thanks to the Link Club staff for putting on such a brilliant event for the children to enjoy.
Cross Country - November 2023
November 2023 - On Saturday 18th November children from across Warrington competed in the Cross Country Race at Walton Hall Gardens. The girls did amazingly well despite the wet and muddy conditions. Well done to all who took part.
Thanksgiving Breakfast
The children had a wonderful Thanksgiving Breakfast this morning at Link Club. The club is open every morning from 7:30am and after school until 6:00pm. You can book on the day or in advance. More special events are planned. Contact school for more information.
Learning about Islam
November 2023 - As part of our curriculum, the children had a special focus on learning more about the Islamic faith. To help the children learn more the children listened to a special presentation. Nadeem, from the Warrington Islamic Centre, delivered a wonderful presentation to teh whole school. At the end, the children were presented with a prayer mat.

The whole school took part in a poignant Remembrance Day Service on the 10th November culminating in the singing of I vow to thee my country and the playing of last post followed by a one minute silence. Some of the Y6 children did an amazing job when they read prayers and readings and also explained the significance of the event. We were very proud of them all.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
In September 2023, every class either sang or recited a poem (or two) infront of packed hall of families and friends in aid of Macmillan Cancer Research. The Year 6 children helped by serving the cakes and biscuits. The event raised more than £400. Many thanks for everyone's support.
Community Worker Week (Oct 23)
We are so lucky to be able to provide a hands on and interactive way of learning in EYFS. Over the last two years we have had several visitors who have helped the children to gain an understanding of “people who help us”.
The children enjoyed meeting and questioning all the visitors and learning in depth about the role they play. This provides great understanding that the children can then use in their child led play. It also inspires the children to achieve great things, and help others in the community. Another great success.
Year 2 Awards
The whole school came together today to celebrate the achievements of our Year 2 children. Several children were recognised for their special achievements whether in sport, English, Maths and Science or by showing a truly special attitude to school life.
Y6 End of Year Performance

The Year 6 children put on a fantastic performance for their parents, families and friends. The show lasted for more than an hour and allowed them to display there many and varied talents. Well done Year 6.
Nursery Graduation
The Nursery children have really grown up this year which was exemplified when they presented a special assembly to their families. We are so proud of them.
Early Years Farm Visit
The children in Reception and Nursery were delighted to have a Farm visit the school this week. They were able to learn so much about them through this visit especially as they could hold them too.
Reception/KS1 Sports Day
The Nursery children thoroughly enjoyed their Sports Day.
St Benedict's Day - 11th July
Fr Dave celebrated Mass in school.
Reception/KS1 Sports Day
Great fun for all.
KS2 Sports Day 2023
Y6 Pensarn Residential - Day 3
Our 3rd full day continued to be so much fun which was helped with even more brilliant weather.
Year 3 and 4 Rugby Festival
Y6 Pensarn Residential
The Y6 children are having an amazing adventure in Pensarn, Wales. They have enjoyed a wide variety of activities already from climbing and gorge walking to developing their wilderness skills converting stream water into drinking water. Or just having fn with their friends.
Y6 Pensarn Residential - Day 2
Another great day in Wales.
St Ben's Friends (PTA) Event (March 23)
Over 120 children, friends and families enjoyed a fun evening of Bingo at St Benedict's Club. Many thanks to everyone who helped organise and run this event especially Mr Jones - our Bingo caller!!

Coronation Street Party
With the help of many parents the children had a fabulous street party to celebrate the King's Coronation. Before the party the Year 5 children led games ad activities on the school field. Great fun for all.
Valentine's Day Breakfast 2023
Over 20 children enjoyed the Valentine's Day Breakfast at Link Club.
Year 6 Friendship Charters
Year 6 have been working on their Friendship Charters considering and writing down what they consider to be the Golden Rules of Friendship. They added things like kindness, forgiveness and respect to name but three.
Valentine's Day Breakfast 2023
Over 20 children enjoyed the Valentine's Day Breakfast at Link Club.
Year 6 Friendship Charters
Nursery and Reception Nativity 2022
The Early Years Department performed a brilliant Nativity Play infront of a packed school hall ofparents, grandparents, relatives and friends. Well done to all the children on their beautiful singing. Those with speaking parts were awesome!! Well done!!
Changing States in Year 4
Year 4 have been working hard in Science learning about changing states.
Ofsted Report
School was recently inspected by Ofsted in November 2022. The Warrington Guardian published an article over the Christmas holidays. Click HERE for more information about the Inspection.

Key Stage 1 Nativity
The children performed 'A Midwife Crisis' brilliantly to a packed hall of family and friends. The children sang beautifully and spoke their 'lines' with amazing confidence. Well done to all the children in Y1 and Y2.
Christmas Dinner
Vanessa Campbell (School Cook) served up a fantastic Christmas Dinner which was thoroughly enjoyed by all the children (and many staff)
St Rocco's Elf Run
Please support St Rocco's through our JustGiving page
St Benedict's Catholic Primary School is fundraising for St Rocco's Hospice (justgiving.com)
Cross Country - November 2022
Although bright and sunny, the cross country team had to deal with slippy conditions at the cross country race on Saturday morning. The children worked hard and competed well.
Year 6 sing to Parishioners

Our Year 6 children walked to St Benedict's Club to entertain the parishoners following their special Christmas lunch.
Year 4 Trip to Chester
Year 4 had a brilliant time in Chester learning all about the Romans! They met a Roman soldier and joined the Roman army. They learned Roman chants and learned how to get into the turtle formation.
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Every class, from Nursery to Year 6, performed a poem in front of a packed hall of parents, grandparents, friends and family in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. Many thanks for the generous support before, during and after the event. Together, we raised over £600.
Year 6 Rejoice Assembly
The Year 6 children celebrated their rejoice assembly infront of the whole school and their parents. This was a fantatsic celebration of the half term's work in school.
Head Girl and Boy Elected
Congratulations to our new Head Girl and Head Boy who were elected follwoing a week long process which included speeches to the whole school.
Year 6 Leavers
The Year 6 children are truly amazing. Watch this video to find out why!!
First Cross Country Race of the Year
Well done to all the children who took part in the first Cross Country event at Walton Gardens on Saturday 1st October. They competed well and we are very proud of their efforts. Please contact Mr Slavin and/or Miss Searle for more ifnormation about the Running Club or future races.
Nursery Sports Day - June 2022
The Nursery children had a fantastic sports day. The children were cheered along with a huge crowd of friends and family who watched on.
Early Years Experience Day
The Nursery and Reception children had a wonderful day as you can see in the photos above.
KS2 Sports Day - June 2022
The children competed brilliantly on Sports Day in both individual and team events. Many gold medals were won and the Red Team were the overall Team winners. Well done to the Red Team.
FS&KS1 Sports Day - June 2022
The Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children had a fantastic afternoon of sport. A huge rain shower ended the Sports Day early but the good weather the next day allowed the sprint finals to take place. The Red Team were overall winners.
Warrington Walking Day - July 2022
The children were a credit to themselves, their families and to the school on Walking Day. Not only did they look smart but their behaviour was also impeccable.
Year 3 Residential Trip
Y3 had a fabulous time on their residential trip to Tattenhall.
Queen's Jubilee Street Party
St Ben's Friends (PTA) put on a fantastic street party for all the children. They played traditional games on the field before returning to have a picnic street party style!
Even the Queen made a guest appearance

A great last full day of activities
Yet again the children did themselves proud with their brilliant behaviour, a total engagement in every activity. We can't believe it's their last full day of activities at CMC Pensarn.
Last night BBQ and Camp Fire
Overcoming their fears, all the children successfully climbed today.
Plus, the children thoroughly enjoyed the BBQ and Camp Fire with toasted marshmellows to roun off any excellent week.
Another fun packed day in Pensarn
Another beautiful day in Wales. With warm sunshine, the children really enjoyed their activities including rock climbing, kayaking, raft building and more. The children tried their hand at wilderness skills and orienteering. More photos to come soon.
More pictures from Pensarn
The children have had another great day. The sunshine certainly made the day even better.
Rugby - April 2022
The children played brilliantly winning one and losing one in the curtain opener at Warrington Wolves. Well done to the team and Miss Searle and Mrs Fallon for their excellent coaching.

First Full Day for Y6 in Pensarn
The children are all having a great time. Broadband is poor so a limited number of photos have been uploaded. We hope to post more soon.
Poetry Week - March 2022
The children had a wonderful exploring new poems as well as writing their own poems.
Our Reception Class
Here's a video of one of the poems the Reception Class were working on last week during Poetry Week. It's called The Seed poem!
The children hope you enjoy their recital.
Elf Run raises money for St Rocco's
Just before the Christmas break the whole school took part in the amazing Elf Run in school. It raised an incredible £605 for St Rocco's Hospice.
St Rocco's provides an amazing service for patients with terminal illness as well as support for their families.
St Rocco's

Reception Class Nativity 2021
Sadly, due to the risks of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, especially with the new Omicron variant the children were not able to perform to a live audience.

However, their unbelievably brilliant performance has been captured on video and everyone can watch it by clicking on the link below.
Nursery Nativity 2021

Sadly, due to the risks of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, especially with the new Omicron variant the children were not able to perform to a live audience.
However, the nursery children did a fabulous job of retelling the Christmas story. Click on the link below to enjoy their performance.
Building the Crib at Church
Carol Service 2021 - Whole School
Sadly, due to the risks of the continuing Covid-19 pandemic, especially with the new Omicron variant the children were not able to perform to a live audience.
However, you can watch the children perform brilliantly. The children's singing, playing of their recorders, the bells or glockenspiels was simply amazing.
Cross Country - November 2021
Children from Year 4, 5 and 6 competed in the gruelling cross country race at Walton Gardens at the weekend. It was a tough race for all those who took part but the children were helped along with support from their friends, parents and several staff who came along to cheer them on.
Cross Country - December 2021
On a cold and damp Saturday morning the cross country runners put their best foot forward at the Warrington Schools Race at Walton Gardens.
Remembrance Service
On the 11th November the whole school came together to remember all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice to help maintain our freedom. Children sang, read prayers and readings as well as laid stone poppies before having a minute long silence for reflection.
Fire Safety
As part of the Early Years fire safety work linked to Bonfire Night Mr Jones lit a small bonfire and the children toasted marshmellows.
Cross Country - October 2021
Well done to our fantastic runners who took part in the Warrington Schools Cross Country Race at Walton Gardens recently.
We were so proud of their efforts especially as the conditions were far from idle as it had been so wet.
Head Girl and Head Boy
Welcome and congratulations to our new Head Girl (Fifi) and Head Boy (Ronnie). They recently went through a gruelling selection process which included making a speech to the whole school and a formal election process where every child had a chance to cast their vote.
The Head Girl and Head Boy will not be on their own. They will be superbly supported by elected Class Councillors from Year 1 to Year 6.
VALOM Project
The VALOM project was a really exciting project which enabled Year 6 to visualise and then create a life on Mars. The children really enjoyed the webinars, especially being able to interact with and ask questions to professionals who work in the space industry.
By combining Art, Literacy and DT with Science, the children were engaged and it was amazing to see them come up with imaginative ideas and solutions to the question: How can humans live on Mars? Follow the following links for more info - LINK A and LINK B
Poetry Week
Week commencing 4th October - The whole school took part in poetry week inlcuding our Nursery class. Click on the link above to listen to the children perform their poem.
Farewell Message to our Year 6
Sadly, the Covid-19 pandemic caught up with Year 6 this week meaning that they have all had to self-isolate for 10 days. Thankfully, no one was seriously ill.
The staff and children felt that we could not let the Year 6 leave without a proper farewell so click on the link below to watch their farewells!
Year 6 Leavers Performance
Due to the ongoing pandemic the Year 6 children were unable to do their usual live performance. This year their perfomances were all recorded and they can be watched by following the link below...
Nursery Sports Day - July 2021
Sports Days
St Benedict's Day - July 2021
Father Dave celebrated Mass with the whole school as part of St Benedict's Day. This was the first time since the Covid-19 crisis started that the whole school has been able to come together for Mass. The Y6 children read beautifully and the children's behaviour was exemplary. Well done everyone.
Air Ambulance
On the 8th July in the late afternoon after most children had gone home an air ambulance arrived to deal with a local emergency. They needed somewhere to land and our field was the perfect spot. The lucky children at Link Club got a close up view.
Year 1 Learn to cross roads safely
With the support of our PCSOs the Year 1 children were able to learn how to cross roads safely following the STOP, LOOK and LISTEN message.
May Procession 2021
Although, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we were not able to have our usual May Procession we did still come together (socially distanced) outside.
We're so proud of them
Overseas soldiers received care packages thanks to the hardwork of Ashton and Lily-Mai (Year 5). They really made a difference to our troops who are far from home!! Screenshots are taken from the Warrington Guardian.
Year 6 Gospel Choir
The Year 6 children have worked extremely hard developing their singing skills as can be evidenced by their beautiful singing. Click on the link below to be amazed!
Making a difference
We are really proud of Ashton, Lily-Mai and Riley who have all been working extremely hard to support troops on active service. Click on the link below to find out more.
Care packages heading overseas "to make army troop smile" | Warrington Guardian
World Book Day 2021
Whether in school or at home the children (and staff) had a wonderful day exploring and sharing books with each other.
Children wore costumes to represent characters from their chosen book.
What is Unity?
Unity means staying by peoples sides no matter how hard it may be. Unity means we are stronger together. "Together we stand, divided we fall," It means loving and caring for everyone you are united with. Jesus taught us to live in unity by telling us to alway forgive. He also told us through the feast of the 5000 because he didn't leave anyone out, he fed every single one of them, therefor he was united with his people and that was the message Jesus was trying to tell us, to be united with your people. We can be better friends by showing happieness, or even by smiling. Forgiveness is also key in a good friendship because if you hold a grudge they are going to move on and play without you or find a new friend, but if you build up the courage to forgive them, you and them will be happy. We can also be a better friend by never giving up on your friends.
Tuesday 23rd March 2021 - We gathered together to remember those who have died during the pandemic and offered our prayers in their memory. Children from the Reception Class to Year 6 read Prayers of thanks to people who have helped us from Capt Tom to the workers in the NHS.
We bring our community together by showing hard work and leadership. Another way we can bring our community together is by spreading the word. By respecting everyone. Always being there for someone. Never giving up on your community. We can be peacemakers by doing what is right just like Noah did in Noah's Ark, he believed and obeyed God and that saved him. We can be Peacemakers by encouraging and believing in people even if they aren't the best at something, because that does not matter. By being a strong Role Model to people younger and older than you. By respecting everyone no matter how they look, what they believe, their size and even how they sound. By caring, loving and being kind to everyone around you.
Where there is Unity, there is always Victory.
By Rylie (Year 6)
Fr Dave celebrated Christmas Mass in the hall with Year 5 and 6 socially distanced. The rest of the school watched and joined the mass 'live' in their classrooms via Teams. A first for Father Dave and St Benedict's Catholic Primary School.
Reverse Advent Calendar
Children, Parents and Staff helped make a difference to a huge number of people and families through their amazing generosity. Thank you!!
Please click on the link below to read the news article in the Warrington Guardian.
St Benedict's school's 'reverse advent calendar' for foodbank | Warrington Guardian
Virtual Carol Service - Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we have been unable to invite families and friends to a Carol Service. We hope that this Virtual Carol Service will bring you some Christmas joy! Part (i) below
Virtual Carol Service - Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we have been unable to invite families and friends to a Carol Service. We hope that this Virtual Carol Service will bring you some Christmas joy! Part (ii) below
Virtual Carol Service - Unfortunately, due to the current situation, we have been unable to invite families and friends to a Carol Service. We hope that this Virtual Carol Service will bring you some Christmas joy! Part (iii) below
Christmas Dinner was great fun thanks to the hard work of everyone especially Mrs Campbell and her team in the kitchen.
Six children from Years 2, 3 and 4 walked to St Benedict's Church today to help Fr Dave build the crib. They helped dust and clean the statues before they carefully lifted them into the crib.
Reception Nativity went ahead as planned but, sadly, with no audience!! Their beautiful singing, speaking and acting was captured though. Click on the link below to watch the children perform the Nativity.
Click on the link below to listen to the Year 6 Rehearsing their Gosple singing
Nursery Outdoor Learning Area - Official Opening - December 2020
The Christmas Tree was decorated by the children with personal messages of hope.

Nursery Outdoor Learning Area gets a complete makeover - November 2020
The Reception children really enjoyed their dance lesson - November 2020
Our Nursery children acting out a Baptism during their RE topic - October 2020