Grey trousers or skirt
Grey pinafore dress
Blue shirt or blouse
Grey jumper or cardigan
Black and gold tie
Black shoes

In the summer:
Blue and White dress
Grey shorts
Blue polo shirts
Blue short sleeved shirts
Black shorts
Gold polo shirt
Trainers and pumps
Fleece jacket for colder weather
PE and Games Kit

If you wish to buy uniform with the school logo then go to:
The Alpha Schoolwear Website
Call: 01925 576868
or visit:
Warrington Schoolwear Centre
50-54 Buttermarket Street
SBFF Swap Shop
Has your child grown out of their uniform and the uniform still look brand new?
If yes, then this is the perfect place to help someone else, and hopefully someone else to help you.
How? By swapping your nearly new items with other parents rather than throw them away or recycle them.
Click HERE to enter the WhatsApp St Ben's Swap Shop group.
School Uniform Network
To make it as easy as possible to donate your old school uniform there is a series of drop off points around Warrington. To locate the drop off points - click on the School Uniform Drop Off location information leaflet below.
Don't forget - there is a School Uniform Network Shop in the Golden Square.