Headteacher's Welcome - Mr. R Forde

Thank you for taking the time to visit St Benedict's Catholic Primary School website. Each day at St Benedict's Catholic Primary School we live out our Mission Statement which is In the light of Jesus, we learn to shine.
We provide our children with a broad, balanced and high-quality curriculum which we review and evaluate regularly. Our Curriculum is regularly reviewed to ensure it continues to meet the needs of our children and achieve our aims. During our Ofsted Inspection in November 2022, our Curriculum was highly praised by the Inspector during the two day inspection visit.
However, we can not succeed alone; we believe that we can only achieve the best for our children through developing a close partnership between home and school. We work with parents/carers to provide the best care and education for every child.
We aim for a St Benedict’s child to be: creative, independent, resilient and with the knowledge of and ability to use an extensive vocabulary. This is reflected in our curriculum and the way we teach our children.
As Covid-19 restrictions have ended, we are now able to provide prospective parents with a tour of the school. However, if for any reason it is not possible for you to visit our school, you can take a VIRTUAL TOUR which we hope you enjoy.
If you require any paper copies of documents found on this website then please contact the school office (01925 234 699 or admin@stbenedicts.warrington.sch.uk) and we will get these printed for you, free of charge.
Mr. R. Forde
On behalf of all the staff at St Benedict's Catholic Primary School
(Spring 2024)