Teaching Staff

Mr R Forde
Headteacher & SENDCo

Mr M Slavin
Deputy Headteacher & Y6 teacher

Miss Bamber
Nursery Teacher/Deputy SENDCo

Mrs Fallon
TA and Nursery Team

Mrs Wareing
Reception Teacher
Mrs Gielniak
TA and Reception Team

Miss Timoney
TA and Reception Team

Miss Murray
TA and Reception Team

Miss Searle
Year 1 Teacher

Miss Eyres
TA and Year 1 Team

Mrs Rosa
TA and Year 1 Team

Mrs Elwin
Year 2 Teacher and KS1 Leader

Mrs Mahoney
TA and Year 2 Team

Mrs Wilcox
TA and Year 2 Team

Mr Ainsworth
Year 3 Teacher

Mrs Poulter
TA and Year 3 Team

Miss Everett
Year 4 Teacher

Ms Charnock
TA and Year 4 Team

Mrs Gillespie
Year 5 Teacher & KS2 Leader
Mrs Abbott
HLTA and Year 5 Team

Mr Slavin
Year 6 Teacher & DHT

Mrs Curtis
HLTA and Year 6 Team

Mrs Eriksson
Learning Support Teacher

Miss Mitten
Learning Support Teacher
Non-Teaching Staff

Mrs Lee-Hindle
Business Manager

Mrs Weaver
Clerical Assistant

Mr Jones
Maintenance Officer

Ms Charnock

Mrs Phibbs

Mrs Capper
Mrs Mahoney

Ms Timoney
MDA & Nursery support

Ms Blease

Mrs Campbell
Catering Supervisor

Mrs Higgins
Kitchen Assistant

Miss Carr
Kitchen Assistant

Mrs Hassall
Kitchen Assistant